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ATN Internships Application

    Required fields denoted with an asterisk *

    Personal Details

    Are you an Australian citizen or permanent resident?*

    Gender *

    Postal Address

    University Details

    This program is only open to students from the ATN Consortium member universities. We will work with you to ensure that you have everything you need to enrol in the relevant unit and get credit.

    Your university*

    Are you doing this internship for credit at your university?*

    If yes, what is the name of the unit that you will apply for?

    Please provide any other information that you think may be of relevance to your application.

    Program Details

    Our team will discuss your application with you during the initial consultation so it is OK if you are not yet sure which program is right for you - please just provide as much information as you can as a starting point.

    Are you applying to do a Team or Individual internship?

    Please complete the relevant section below, based on your selection above.

    Team Internships
    Which Team Internship program would you like to apply for?

    Individual Internships
    When would you like to start?

    How many hours per week would you like to work?

    Please list any advertised positions that you would like to be considered for.

    CV and Statement of Intent

    Please upload your CV. Note: Please put some time into this to ensure that it is representative of your achievements and capabilities, looks clean and has consistent formatting.

    Please provide a statement of intent explaining the following: 1. Why you want to join this program? 2. What you are seeking from your internship (Field of work, corporation or not-for-profit, etc.) 3. What can you bring to an organisation? This will not be presented to any prospective organisations, but will be used by the International Internships team to help ensure that your internship site is the best fit possible. *


    Do you speak any Indonesian (Note that this is NOT a requirement of the program)? *

    Terms and Conditions *

    I have read and accept the Terms and Conditions (Link opens in a new window)

    I am happy for International Internships to share my contact details with other program participants.

    Please provide any other information that you think may be of relevance to your application.